Terms of Service

The following Terms of Service (the “Terms”) outline the rights and responsibilities of participants in an Open Enrollment Program by Northpoint Training Pte. Ltd. (Northpoint). Any references herein to “participant,” “you” or “your” refers to a registered participant. In the event of any conflict these Terms shall take precedence.


1. Eligibility
Participants must be at least 18 years of age to register for an Open Enrollment Program. You may register for yourself or be registered by your employer. In any case, you are the user of the services provided by Northpoint.
2. Registration Process
To register for an Open Enrollment Program, participants must complete the online registration form available on our website, or complete an offline registration form available through our customer support.
They must also Agree to these Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy.
3. Fees & Payment
The full fee for each Open Enrollment Program is listed on our website or on the brochure and must be paid at the time of registration. Payments can be made via bank transfer or credit card. Late payments may result in the suspension of access to the program until dues are settled.
4. Substitution, Transfer & Cancellation Policy
A variety of administrative costs are incurred in relation to a registration in an open enrollment course. Therefore, if you must change or cancel your registration, the following fees apply:
# of Days Before Commencement Substitution Transfer Cancellation
More than 30 days Yes (No Fee) None None
15 – 30 Days Yes (No Fee) 25% of Fees 50% of Fees
14 Days or less No  50% of Fees 100% of Fees
5. Participants
Participants shall act reasonably throughout the training. Northpoint may remove a Participant from a course, where, in the opinion of the Facilitator, which shall be final, the Participant is behaving unreasonably.
6. Liability
In no event shall Northpoint be liable for (whether direct or indirect) any loss of contracts, profits, anticipated savings, revenue, goodwill, business, financing expenses, stoppage to other work or consequential losses, nor for any indirect losses.
7. Advertising
Northpoint may make reference to a participant’s contract within any proposal to further Clients, provided only fundamental facts are divulged and not proprietary and confidential information.
8. Confidentiality
The parties shall treat as and keep confidential all information whether of a technical, commercial or any other nature relating to the other party and shall not, during the period of this Agreement, or at any time after its termination, divulge any such information to any person not authorised by the divulging party.

9. General Disability Policy

Northpoint supports individuals with disabilities and is committed to providing disabled individuals access to reasonable accommodations. In addition, the Northpoint prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and insures equal opportunity for all qualified individuals with disabilities. Northpoint is committed to providing reasonable accommodations in compliance with all local, state, territory, and federal laws.

10. DEIJ Statement

The ICF Global Board of Directors approved the ICF Statement of Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Justice in July 2020. Staff and volunteer leaders from ICF’s six family organizations subsequently co-signed the statement. This statement of principles reflects a position we invite every ICF Member, Credential-holder and accredited provider to subscribe to.

ICF Members and Credential-holders live and work in more than 140 countries and territories. ICF is a vibrant global community committed to the shared vision of making coaching an integral part of a thriving society. Our mission is to lead the global advancement of coaching. To do this, we must reflect on our blind spots and be aware of opportunities for improvement. We cannot ignore the challenges that many coaches and coaching clients face due to systemic problems in their communities.

As members of the ICF community, we ascribe to the core values of integrity, excellence, collaboration and respect. The foundation of these values is a shared commitment to diversity, inclusion, belonging and justice.

We will place diversity, inclusion, belonging and justice at the forefront of every decision we make within our Association. As we continue the journey toward our vision, we will recommit ourselves to valuing the unique talents, insights and experiences that every coach and client brings to the world.

11. Non-Discrimination Policy

It is the policy of Northpoint that:

  • Recruitment and hiring of all personnel is conducted without discrimination against any individual with regard to race, age, religion, colour, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
  • All staff and personnel will not discriminate against any employee or participant because of race, age, religion, colour, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
  • All individuals are welcome to participate regardless of race, age, religion, colour, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
  • All employees, students, and other participants should be able to enjoy an environment free of discrimination and harassment. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination or harassment in the areas of race, age, religion, colour, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.

Northpoint does not and will not tolerate conduct by any employee, student, volunteer, contractor, visitor, or vendor which unreasonably interferes with an individual’s ability to learn in a welcoming environment.

Participants who wish to report discrimination are encouraged to follow the Grievance Policy and Northpoint will promptly investigate all claims and reports of inappropriate conduct.

12. Grievance Policy

The objective of our Grievance Policy is to ensure that students can freely present grievances and that Northpoint can respond to and resolve those grievances in a fair and just manner. Grievances can include alleged discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability, alleged staff violation of the code of ethics, or other problems arising in the relationship between a participant and a staff member or policies of Northpoint.

13. Our procedures

1. Informal resolution

As we are training people to become coaches, we will first attempt an informal resolution between the parties involved. We aim at resolving the issue as soon as possible and the person who is alleged to have caused the grievance is asked to respond promptly, if possible before the next official meeting (as a mentor or in class)

2. Review

If the person who presents the grievance is not content with the result of the informal resolution, they are asked to present the issue to the Program Director who will ask for a meeting of the involved parties to come to an equitable resolution.

14. Attendance

In order to provide you with the minimum required training hours for certification, it is important that you are present at all course sessions. If you have an emergency or become ill and are not able to attend a coach training session, please contact your mentor or Program Director immediately. You will be expected to make up the material for the missed session. Participants are expected to attend 85% of the asynchronous classes. If you need to miss more than 15% of the classes, you may attend this portion of the class in another cohort to make up for the lessons missed. Petitions to this policy are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be submitted in writing to Northpoint.

15. Course Engagement

Our courses are designed to be interactive and engaging for our participants. It is therefore an expectation that you participate in course activities, including dialogue with the course instructor and peers, mock coaching activities, and experiential learning exercises. If you are unable to participate in an activity, please inform your instructor as soon as possible. Please refer to the code of conduct for additional details.

16. Code of Conduct

Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner during all sessions. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Being punctual for all sessions.
  • Attending all live sessions and mentor coaching sessions.
  • Having your camera on for virtual live sessions.
  • Participating fully in all sessions and mentor coaching sessions. This includes being prepared for the session, involving yourself in discussions and activities, assuming responsibility for your learning, and contributing to the learning of others.
  • Engaging in discussions with integrity and honesty.
  • Being respectful of your fellow participants and instructors, including silencing your cell phone, not texting, and other disruptive behaviours.
  • Embracing diversity and inclusion while respecting the dignity and humanity of others.

17. Illness Policy

In order to provide you with the minimum required training hours for certification, it is important that you are present at all course meetings. If you have an emergency or become ill and are not able to attend a coaching session, please contact your mentor or Program Director immediately

Participants are expected to attend 85% of the classes in person. If you need to miss more than 15% of the classes, you may attend this portion of the class in another cohort to make up for the lessons missed. In case of longer absences due to illness or other unforeseen events, refer to our partial completion policy.

18. Changing Dates

The training provider can cancel the program or change the dates if there are less than 6 participants or for other reasons which are out of the control of the training provider. The participant will be notified as early as possible. The training provider reserves the right to make changes in dates, platform, trainers etc. Participants will be notified as early as possible.

19. Guarantee

In case of a cancellation by the training provider any fees already paid will be reimbursed. Any and all other claims or demands are excluded. We accept no liability for consequential or secondary financial losses, property damages or any other damages.

20. Data Protection

We will use the participants‘ personal data exclusively for running the program and will keep all information confidential.

21. Information

Participants can receive free information on which data we have saved about them and we will delete any data upon their request as early as we can. Please contact your mentor or Program Director to facilitate such requests.

22. Using your data

Your data is protected under the terms of the 2018 EU General Data Protection Regulation based on our privacy policy.

23. Recording Sessions

We record sessions of our classes on zoom and make them available to the other participants and trainers in the class. By booking a class with us you agree that we can record the sessions and make them available to the other participants in the class and to the trainers with Northpoint. In no case will we make the recordings available to anyone else. By booking a class with us, you also confirm that you will not share any of the recordings outside the group of participants of the particular class.

24. Severability Clause

Should individual terms of this contract be ineffective or lose their effectiveness due to later circumstances or should a loophole emerge in this contract, the legal effectiveness of the other provisions is not affected. The invalid contractual provision shall be replaced or the loophole filled by an appropriate provision which comes as close as possible to what the parties to the considered would have wanted, had they considered the point.

25. Recording sessions

We record sessions of our classes on zoom and make them available to the other participants and trainers in the class. By booking a class with us you agree that we can record the sessions and make them available to the other participants in the class and to the trainers at Northpoint. In no case will we make the recordings available to anyone else. By booking a class with us, you also confirm that you will not share any of the recordings outside the group of participants of the particular class.

26. Mentoring Recordings

When you submit coaching recordings to a mentor or to a class of participants, you hereby assure that you have the necessary permissions for the client and that Northpoint may use the recording for the purposes of mentoring. Northpoint will never share recordings of your coaching outside the company, unless requested by ICF for program accreditation or renewal, upon which, you will be notified.

27. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be responsible for any failure or delay in performance of its obligations under this Agreement (other than the obligation to make payments of money) due to any force majeure event including, Act of God, refusal of license (other than as a result of any act or omission of Insight) or other Government act, fire explosion, embargo, terrorism, civil disturbance, accident, epidemics, lightning damage, electromagnetic interference, radio interference, strikes, industrial dispute, or any other cause beyond its reasonable control.
28. Modifications to these Terms
Northpoint has the right to modify these Terms or any additional terms that apply to a Northpoint Service at any time. Northpoint will notify you of any material changes in writing. Such material changes will not apply retroactively and will become effective thirty days (30) after they are posted, except that changes that are made for legal reasons will be effective immediately.
29. Entire Agreement
This Agreement sets out the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous arrangements, agreements and representations whether written, oral or implied between Participants and Northpoint relating to the Services.
30. Controlling Law
This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore and the Republic of Singapore courts shall have sole jurisdiction.
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Northpoint was founded on the belief that leaders have the power to ignite change and make a positive impact, and that everyone has the potential to make a difference.