
The Gift of Feedforward

The Gift of Feedforward

Learn how to engage in a meaningful feedforward conversation by applying a coaching approach focussed on change

Having to give or receive feedback is a common cause of anxiety and stress in many organisations, with people often choosing to avoid issues rather than confront them.

Why is feedback by itself pointless? Why is feedforward a gift? How does feedforward lead to behavioral and performance change? How should you receive feedback? How should you give feedforward? These are the key questions that learners will uncover in The Gift of Feedforward.

What you will learn to do

The Gift of Feedforward will equip learners with a fundamental mindset shift and the knowledge and skills needed to feedforward.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of feedback and feedforward.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the Ladder of Accountability.
  • Demonstrate how to receive feedback using the LARRI model.
  • Demonstrate how to engage in a coaching-styled conversation.
  • Demonstrate how to apply the SBI and GROW models.

What you will learn

  • Feedback & Feedforward: What is the difference? Why should we think of feedforward as a gift?
  • The Ladder of Acceptance: How does how you feedforward impact how the recipient responds?
  • Feedforward is About Change: What does change look like, and how does feedforward facilitate change? 
  • LARRI: If feedforward is a gift, how does LARRI help us make the most of it as a gift (Listen, Appreciate, Reflect, Respond, Integrate)?
  • SBI: What is the SBI model, and how should it be applied? How do you integrate SBI into a feedforward conversation?
  • GROW: What is the GROW model, and how should it be applied? How do you integrate GROW into a feedforward conversation?

How you will learn

The Gift of Feedforward is designed to transfer knowledge and build skills effectively and efficiently through a holistic learning approach:

  • Workshop: A classroom-based or virtual workshop that employs various learning strategies to enhance learning transfer and retention.
  • Online Learning: A collection of online lectures, demonstrations and quizzes to support learning transfer and retention.
  • Learner Resources: A collection of downloadable documents, quick and easy references and templates for learners to use.
  • Post-Workshop Activity: An activity that will help to reinforce learning transfer and retention through application and reflection.
  • Optional Learning Labs: Learning labs are 2-hour small group sessions where learners get to practice and hone their newly acquired skills.
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Managers, Team Leads, Department Heads, Teams & Departments
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Classroom or Virtual
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1 Day
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Minimum - 8
Maximum - 24
Multiple Learners? Volume pricing is available to organisations that want to develop multiple managers and team leads.

Customisation? Volume pricing is available to organisations that want a customised version for their teams and/or departments.

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Northpoint was founded on the belief that leaders have the power to ignite change and make a positive impact, and that everyone has the potential to make a difference.